ANA10639 Bushes
ANA10639 Bushes
Let's get it started
There's 24 hours to go
Cuz there's a party
And everyone's in the know
Get in a huddle forget your trouble
Let your love show
We're going farther than any man's gone before
Are you ready for the weekend
The time of our life
Drop in that deep end
And feel all right
And when we're sleeping
Cuz we're up all night
Yeah we'll be reeking
In the bushes out back
In the bushes out back
In the bushes out back
Your love is showing
I'm head to toe eyeing you
The speaker's blowing
Connecting right through the room
So take my hand there ain't no plan
Nothing to do
Let's keep it going
Tonight we'll bring home the moon
Take me back
I wanna go back