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Master Number: 10155

Title: ANA10155 Beautiful Remains

Alt Title:

Date Of Creation: 2013-08-20

Active: Yes

Public: Yes



App Owner's Share: %

alternative, ballad, indie, rock, and singer-songwriter

atmospheric, comforting, compelling, emotional, empowering, floating, heartfelt, honest, hopeful, and indie


Vocal Type:

  1. Vocal
    • Where Beauty Remains - EP (#5)
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    • AIF
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    Audio Received: Yes
  2. Instrumental
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    • AIF
      Server Location: /home/railsapp/
    Audio Received: Yes

Description: BPM 64

Lyrics: Oh Be careful my dear There is fire in these walls And before they turn to ashes You can hear the midnight call So won't you look me in the eye now And tell me it's not true That these mistakes that I've been making Have become the death of you And if love can find a way Where the beautiful remains Then love can find a way To anything We are more than just our memories We are more than just our friends And these scars are telling stories Of the people we have been In the shadows and the darkness Still a light can be found In my fears and in my failures there is a hope that still resounds And if love can find a way Where the beautiful remains Then love can find a way To anything

Style Alike: Matthew Perryman Jones


Created by: Liz Rogers

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