Master Number: 11071

Title: ANA11071 Thicker Than Water ft. Thomas Daniel

Alt Title:

Date Of Creation: 2019-11-11

Active: Yes

Public: No



App Owner's Share: %

adult contemporary, atmospheric, electronic, and singer-songwriter

bold, dramatic, eerie, epic, explosive, heavy beat, lively, ominous, pensive, powerful, and uneasy

Lyrical Themes:
abandonment, commitment, deception, devotion, family, fear, fighting, hardship, hope, longing, loss/grief, and war

Similar Artists:
BANKS, Grimes, Halsey, Ruelle, Troye Sivan, and Zayn


Vocal Type:

  1. Vocal
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-1jedhy/ana.11071.1.128k.mp3
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-1jedhy/ana.11071.1.320k.mp3
    • AIF
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-1jedhy/ana.11071.1.aif
    Audio Received: Yes
  2. Instrumental
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-10jpecy/ana.11071.2.128k.mp3
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-10jpecy/ana.11071.2.320k.mp3
    • AIF
      Server Location: /tmp/d20191111-26878-10jpecy/ana.11071.2.aif
    Audio Received: Yes

Description: An eerie atmospheric track that builds into a dynamic bombastic song representing the strength of family. Knowing that a blood relationship can withstand the dangers of the world. BPM - 130

Lyrics: Brother close your eyes I'll wake you up when all the fighting's over Sorrow lasts the night but then The morning comes to claim another So bury your head into my chest As long as you remember Blood runs thicker than water deeper than the hollowed ground Lighting hits before thunder wait until you hear that sound Cuz there I was dressed up like sheep you can count them in your sleep But blood runs thicker than water water so don't let me down Ooh ooh don't let me down Ooh ooh don't let me down Sister dry your eyes you're safe and sound Who needs a night of promise Darkness has a time but There's a light for you and I that's coming PRE-CHORUS CHORUS

Style Alike:

Notes: Third composer: Joey Cirillio 33.0 Artist: Thomas Daniel

Created by: Intern Account

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