Master Number: 11652

Title: ANA11652 American Mouth

Alt Title:

Date Of Creation: 2024-07-20

Active: Yes

Public: No



App Owner's Share: %

alternative, emo, pop rock, punk rock, and rock

angst, attitude, chaotic, dark, determined, emotional, gritty, and political

Lyrical Themes:
annoyance, authenticity, desire, ego, environment, ironic, juxtaposition, music industry, society, tough, and world

Similar Artists:
Caroline Polachek, Fiona Apple, MUNA, Olivia Rodrigo, Phoebe Bridgers, and The Cranberries


Vocal Type:


  1. Vocal
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240718-1109-85m0l0/ana.11652.1.128k.mp3
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240718-1109-85m0l0/ana.11652.1.320k.mp3
    • AIF
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240718-1109-85m0l0/ana.11652.1.aif
    Audio Received: Yes
  2. Instrumental
    Audio Files:
    • 128k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240719-10928-1fg9ti2/ana.11652.2.128k.mp3
    • 320k MP3
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240719-10928-1fg9ti2/ana.11652.2.320k.mp3
    • AIF
      Server Location: /tmp/d20240719-10928-1fg9ti2/ana.11652.2.aif
    Audio Received: Yes

Description: Punchy sassy emo song about the juxtaposition of life and what society asks of us. BPM 92

Lyrics: V1 Smile more Fix ur teeth Run until your body bleeds Skinny love, get something to eat Strike a pose But not in vain Share your thoughts But hide your pain Hundred dollar holes in your jeans CHORUS Oooo yeah tear me down Chew me up and spit me out With that American mouth Oooo yeah bite your tongue It's always twisted up That sweet American mouth V2 Find ur voice Keep it down Show some pride But don't be proud Lucid dreaming; grinding my teeth (Just) Tell me what u want me to be CHORUS Bridge Punchline without a joke, oh Secret nobody's spoke, oh Wrap it up & tie a bow Whoa CHORUS

Style Alike: Orla Gartland


Created by: Liz Rogers

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