Master Number: 11677

Title: ANA11677 Quite Sometime

Alt Title:

Date Of Creation: 2024-07-12

Active: Yes

Public: Yes



App Owner's Share: %

alternative, chill, indie, and rock

anticipation, indie, longing, pensive, searching, and yearning

Lyrical Themes:
commitment, emotions, falling in love, forever, life, loneliness, longing, love, new love, and relationship

Similar Artists:
Dr. Dog and Tame Impala


Vocal Type:


  1. Vocal
    Audio Received: No
  2. Instrumental
    Audio Received: No

Description: About finding the person you are meant to be with, or ending up alone. Waiting for the one, but it taking a long time. Hopeful love interest, being lonely. BPM: 100

Lyrics: V1 Sometimes I wonder how ill ever find someone on purpose Now I Just spend my time thinkin in circles by myself Why would I even try CHORUS Don’t you worry ill be here for quite some time Not complaining but ive waited for a while Been searchin but you’ve been impossible to find But ill be here for quite some time V2 Sometimes I wonder how anyone finds someone who’s perfect Now I Just sit around and hope it works out by Why would I even try CHORUS Don’t you worry ill be here for quite some time Not complaining but ive waited for a while Been searchin but you’ve been impossible to find But ill be here for quite some time OUTRO Sometimes I wonder how ill ever find someone on purpose

Style Alike: Hether, Toledo, Mk.Gee


Created by: Intern Account

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